Engineer, people manager, and founder interested in empowering technologies.

Currently working at OpenAI. Previously Coinbase doing payments and backend platform. Long ago, started Clef and worked at Twilio.

Recent posts

See more of my writing here.


  • org-z is an Emacs package for lightweight zettelkasten links in org-mode. Despite many experiments building personal knowledge management software, I keep coming back to Emacs org-mode for its power and breadth. org-z supercharges org-mode with easy interactive search and linking.
  • My homelab is an experiment in self-hosting software at home. I use it to run a prometheus cluster, store media, and participate in the decentralized web, among other things. It is primarily a private space to learn and play.
  • Gridliner is a 3D outliner for freeform knowledge. While most outliners are 2-dimensional (up-down, in-out), Gridliner adds the left-right dimension, making it a hybrid outliner and spreadsheet.
  • Serenity is a peer-to-peer, drag-and-drop file sharing tool in the browser. After sharing a link with a friend, serenity directly connects your browsers using webrtc, providing an encrypted channel without intermediaries.
  • plaid-cli is a CLI tool for working with the Plaid API. I built it to solve import issues with YNAB, but ultimately, I want to own my financial data.
  • Kiwi is a personal wiki you write in Markdown. An early experiment with knowledge management that you can take on the go.

I also maintain a handful of open source libraries. Best to look at GitHub for these and other hidden gems.


I like to make generative art, which I sometimes plot with a HP-7550A pen plotter. I open source most of my creations. I love lisp, so they are mostly written in clojure.

Older stuff

  • Clef was a better way to log in online. Twilio acquired our team in 2017.
  • Instant2FA was a drop-in 2FA integration, built during the Clef days.
  • hodl-cli is a CLI tool to automate recurring USD deposits and asset allocation for Coinbase Pro. It theoretically still works, but I haven't used it in years.


If you want to get in touch, find my email address on GitHub.